Riding for Heroes: Team Sirius Joins Forces with the Joshua Chamberlain Society

Riding for Heroes: Team Sirius Joins Forces with the Joshua Chamberlain Society

This year, Team Sirius officially transitioned from participating in Bike MS to joining the Joshua Chamberlain Society (JCS) Bike for Heroes Ride, a decision that brought our team back to our roots. With a smaller, more intimate atmosphere, this event felt reminiscent of the early days of Team Sirius—riding together with a mission to make a difference.

One of the biggest reasons for our shift to the JCS ride was the organization’s mission. The Joshua Chamberlain Society (JCS) provides long-term support for severely wounded combat veterans and the families of fallen heroes. They help with everything from monetary donations to home renovations and tuition assistance. As a team whose motto is "small group of people making a big difference," the JCS mission resonates deeply with us. Supporting these heroes and their families fits right in with our goal of helping those in need.



Team Sirius had 8 riders at this year’s Bike for Heroes, and we were proud to have raised over $4,000 for the cause! While we didn’t quite hit our $5,000 target, we’re still fundraising to hopefully reach that goal. Knowing that our efforts contributed to JCS’s overall goal of $50,000 was incredibly meaningful.

Dean Gallagher, a long-time supporter of JCS, led the charge as our top fundraiser—raising the most funds for the entire ride! His dedication was fueled by a personal connection, as Dean introduced us to JCS after working with a veteran named Moose McArthur, one of the JCS heroes. It was a fun race to the top as Dean battled it out with another team, staying neck-and-neck until the final moments.

One of the most heartfelt moments of the event came when Moose McArthur was honored as a JCS hero and opened the ride by crossing the starting line with other honored heroes. Despite dealing with vertigo from his service injuries, Moose participated in the ride, with Brendon Gallagher riding alongside him to ensure he was safe and had good company along the way. Seeing Moose ride with other heroes was incredibly moving for the entire team.

The ride itself took place in Columbia, Illinois, along scenic flatlands near the Mississippi River. The flat terrain made it accessible for riders of all levels, from beginners to seasoned cyclists. The beautiful farmland, perfect weather, and supportive atmosphere made it a memorable day for all of us.

As we look toward next year’s Bike for Heroes, we’re excited to get even more of Team Sirius involved. We also plan to connect with JCS to see how else we can support their efforts—whether through more fundraising or other ways to help the organization. After years of leading a large basecamp at Bike MS, it’s refreshing to step back and simply participate in an event where we know our efforts make a big impact.

To learn more about the amazing work the Joshua Chamberlain Society does for our nation’s veterans and their families, check out their mission here.

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