PKD Walk 2024 - Coming Oct 6, 2024

PKD Walk 2024 - Coming Oct 6, 2024

Join Us for the PKD WALK:
Supporting Glen and the Fight Against Polycystic Kidney Disease

If you’ve ever met our team member Glen, you know he’s a fighter. Diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), he’s been through more than most of us could imagine. From surgeries for a kidney transplant, his journey is a testament to the strength and determination it takes to live with a condition that has no cure. But Glen’s not fighting alone — his brother also battles PKD, a genetic disorder that runs in their family.

What is PKD?

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disorder that causes fluid-filled cysts to grow in the kidneys. These cysts can get so large they cause kidney failure, and patients often end up needing dialysis or a kidney transplant.

What makes it even tougher? There’s no cure. It’s a lifetime of managing symptoms, monitoring kidney function, and, for many like Glen, enduring multiple surgeries.

Glen’s Story

For Glen, PKD runs in the family. Both he and his brother were diagnosed with the condition. After years of managing symptoms, Glen eventually needed a kidney transplant.

But here’s where PKD throws another curveball: his original kidneys, riddled with cysts, weren’t removed during the transplant. As the cysts grew, it became clear those old kidneys had to go, leading to yet another surgery. Today, Glen’s doing well, but the fight isn’t over. He’s on medication for life and continues to battle the effects of PKD daily.

How You Can Help

This year, we’re walking for Glen, his brother, and everyone who’s been affected by PKD. By joining our team or donating, you’re helping raise awareness and support research that could one day lead to a cure.

Your donations go directly to the PKD Foundation, an organization dedicated to finding treatments and ultimately a cure for PKD. They fund critical research, provide education and support to those affected, and advocate for policies that improve patient care.

We’re walking not just for Glen, but for the future — a future where no one has to endure what he has.

[Join us for the PKD Walk]
[Donate today].

Every step brings us closer to a cure.


Sunday, October 6
Sons of Rest Pavillion, Tower Grove Park, St. Louis
Event starts at 9:30 am
Walk Starts at 11 am.
Length of Route: 1.5 miles
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